Trapping cards
ok, here is what happened to me yesterday night in a cash game :
i just went back from a bar called "the Key West" where i drank a "route du rhum", it's 18 little glas of prepared rum, i was with a friend and we both came out a little joyfull but not drunk! then back to home i played the Rue sainte Catherine room (NL 100$, 1$/2$) at, i put the max in, 100$ so..and i played very well! so well that in one hour i was at 275$! my friend was stil with me, and at this moment i said we have to go now we're good enough winners! he just said : "hummmm" like hummm no i want more! lol ! and as i was a bit on fire (ty rum) we continue to play. The next hand i was dealt 1010, i raised , i've been reraised and just call to see the flop, i didn't pay his allin bet on a low card flop and lose a 50$ dollars bill without seing his hand ! i said :"hum this smell no goods.. now we should leave..we are at 220$'s ok now" and the hand just after this ...AA all red!!! LOL !!! i raised big(8$) and a guy who just entered the game called me, the flop came ...549 all hearts, so i went allin with my big over pair and max flush draw to earn the pot, and what a surprise he called.....he had 99 and i lose all my money in that pot because no heart and no aces came off course! so i came out with 120$ and was a bit stunned on what has just happen in two hands! i played that two trapping hands perfectly to my mind! after i left i just remind to myself a saying of the movie Casino with Robert de Niro :"the key for a casino is to make the gambler play the longer period you can, more longer they play more money they lose!!" i just left the game and said to my friend :" fucking poker site!" lol
So yesterday's lesson is not that to drink before playing poker makes you play bad (it's not always true and not always wrong)! actually i played my best poker in the first hour, but that it can makes you take the wrong decision regarding the context of a game(cash game specially)! i'm talking about that alcohol can multiply the lure of winnings and then destroy your habilities to leave or not a game at the right moment which is not good for an ambitious poker player!
today's video High Stakes Poker (season 1, episode 8)look at negreanu's tragedy that was me yesterday lol
High Stakes Poker (season 1, episode 8) - part 1/5
High Stakes Poker (Season 1, Episode 8) - Part 2/5
High Stakes Poker (Season 1, Episode 8) - Part 3/5
High Stakes Poker (Season 1, Episode 8) - Part 4/5
High Stakes Poker (Season 1, Episode 8) - Part 5/5
1 commentaire:
just like to say your blogs looking good now
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